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22 Dec

Once made perfect, [Christ] became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.

Hebrews 5 : 9

You are truly the perfect woman. Others may bring up your past or point out your mistakes, but God has made you perfect through Christ Jesus. Your old life is passed away and all things are new. You have a fresh start-a clean slate. God doesn’t remember the old you. Every sin has been forgotten in His mind. Forget it in yours. It’s a new day with new dreams. You have been given a whole new life. Start living it.

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Contentment ….

19 Oct

I say it is better to be content with what little you have . Otherwise , you will always be struggling for more , and that is like chasing wind .

Ecclesiastes 4 : 6

When it comes to evaluating your life , God’s scales weigh differently than yours . Seeing through His eyes , the smallest things can bring you the deepest joy . When you embrace your life just as it is , you can lay down the struggle for what might be or might have been . You can feel the blessing of contentment that , for this moment , your life is the perfect starting place for the next step in the journey .

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Love …

12 Oct

From everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him , and his righteousness with their children’s children .

Psalm 103 : 17

God loves you ! It’s not complicated or conditional – its just a fact ! Our human understanding can’t comprehend the reason why , only that it’s true . As much as you might want to explain it , dissect it , reason it out , you just can’t . Instead of wrapping yourself in question , wrap yourself in His love . Luxuriate in it just as you would a magnificent fur coat . God has spared no expense . He has given you the very best He has to offer .

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everybody have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Responsibility …

19 May

Whatever you do , work at it with all your heart , as working for the Lord , not for men , since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3 : 23 – 24

Sometimes it may feel like your hard work goes unnoticed. Maybe you’re tempted to slack off like the other guy , telling yourself that no one will ever know. God knows your heart. The One who holds the future in His hands sees your faithfulness. He has entrusted you with much responsibility because He knows He can count on you. He will reward you and will bring you into a place of blessing. Expect it and believe He’ll do it. God applauds you!

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Protection …

11 May

The Lord watches over all who loves him.

Psalm 145 : 20

Like any loving parent , your heavenly Father keeps you in His constant care , never letting you out of sight. You have no reason to fear , for He is always with you , ready to face whatever comes your way. He will not fail you. In some cases , He will warn you ahead of time. In others , He will supernaturally remove you from a dangerous situation, And there will be times when He will hold your hand as you walk through fire. He is your God!

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessing Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Priorities …

5 May

Fear God and keep his commandments , for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12 : 13

God knows how busy your life is. As you move from task to task , remember to hold on to the golden cord that connects you to Him. He’s always there regardless , but the cord reminds you that He is. It keeps the conversation going between the two of you , and His love , joy , and peace flowing to you throughout your day. God should be your first priority because it is through His wisdom and strength that you accomplish the others.

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Prayer ….

2 May

When you call upon me and come and pray to me , i will hear you. When you search for me , you will find me ; if you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah  29 : 12-13

Is there a great need in your life? Something you have struggled with and cant seem to find the answer for? God says to bring it to Him-not just once but again and again. Keep asking. Keep reminding Him of His promises. Like a child who campaigns for a new bike , never give up. Seek God and keep on seeking Him. He hears you each and every time , and He will reward your persistence and your patience after He proves your heart.

(Quoted from , ” Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Encouragement …

30 Apr

Think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.

Hebrews 10 : 24

The great thing about Christian community is that we inspire each other in this Christian walk. Haven’t you caught someone red – handed in some kind of faithful act, and felt inspired? And who knows how many times your faith has been spotted and someone made a better choice “next time” because they saw the choice you made. That’s the wonder of rubbing elbows in the fray together. Faith alone strengthens you. But faith together inspires more faith!

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Patience …

25 Apr

Be still before the LORD , and wait patiently for him .

Psalm 37 : 7

Do you remember as a child waiting for Christmas morning or to open your presents on your birthday? “Just wait. It will all happen in due time,” your mother would say . God wont withhold from you just to be cruel or make a point, but He does see the big picture, and He knows the right when, where, and how. So don’t get anxious,  just wait. You will see what God has promised you all in due time.

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )

Marriage …

21 Apr

Your Maker is your husband – the LORD Almighty is his name .

Isiah 54 : 5

Women find themselves single all the time. Some are single by their own choice or as part of God’s plan for their lives. Others may be divorced or widowed. If you are single for whatever reason , you may be surprised to learn that you are in a highly favored position. The Lord says that He is the one who will provide for you . You can look to Him for love and companionship. He’s more faithful and wise than any human husband.

(Quoted from , “Everyday Blessings Journal Spiritual Refreshment for Women”)

Everyone have a Wonderful and Blessed day ! : )